
High times in the highlands

This weekend was the third Hi-Ex Highland Comic Expo and after having unexpectedly been gifted use of a table (from Omnivistascope) Paper Jam were there selling comics. Well, the wondrous mechahumanoid Paul Thompson was, and I helped out a little bit.

The whole shinding was really nice, great panels, socialising, it was all really really nice. More importantly: Oscillating Brow Comics had two titles for sale and even sold some! Incredible! Yes, there were a few copies of Tales of Extraordinariness #1, and yes, the brand new sort-of-24-hour-comic CAT was launched on an unsuspecting public.

In addition to all the fun and beer, there was even some work got done on Tales of Extraordinariness #2. You have been warned.

Anyways, CAT should hopefully be available elsewhere, possibly Travelling Man Newcastle, for a mighty 40p sometime soon, and big thumbs up to anyone involved in any way with Hi-Ex, it was ace.